Welcome to Rocky Acres Veggie and Flower Farm 

Rocky Acres Farm in Wisconsin

This is our second growing season here at Rocky Acres Farm with offering a CSA to our community, though we have been growing for many more seasons than that. We learned a lot last season and are excited to expand and grow with more flowers and veggies for our customers. There will be a few changes and a bit more opportunities for customization. Read on for what we are offering for the 2025 season. Our season will be 16 weeks starting mid June. 

Each CSA (community supported agriculture) or farm share will include what we are growing on the farm that week – veggies and fresh flower bouquets. We are expanding our gardens once again and will have much more variety this year. I have already planted several hundred more strawberry plants and our fields of strawberries are about 8-10 times the size as last year. Other new fields will be planted this year to expand our space for broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, and more green beans. These veggies will accompany our spring greens, lettuce, peas, rhubarb, tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, summer squash, onions, garlic, and winter squash, lots of herbs and more. 

CSA Options:

There are two options for size this year at Rocky Acres Farm. There is a full sized share and a small share for weekly pickup or delivery. Read more below for what they will include.

I am also offering two ways to get your CSA: pickup at the farm or delivery for an extra fee.

I am encouraging everyone one to pick-up at the farm for a few reasons. Pick-ups will be offered choice of what you want to take home. Instead of a prepackaged box where everyone gets the same items, there will be options for what you get to take each week. The choices will look a little different each week with harvest, but if you do not like kale, you can pick something else. Or if you need extra tomatoes, you will be able to take more.

With delivery, you will get a box of all the best that the farm has to offer that week with a variety of items including veggies and flowers.

Each week both pickup and delivery will also receive a newsletter. It will explain the produce in your share and ideas of how to store and use what you are getting for the week.

Full Share:

This is the best bang for your buck. 16 weeks of veggies and flowers fresh from the farm. This share is great for larger families, those who love to eat a lot of veggies, or are ready to preserve the bounty. $480 for the season.

Small Share:

This share includes most of the same items as the full share each week, but in a smaller amount. This is the share for you if your family is 1-2 people, or you want to try out a CSA for the first time. About a 1/2 bushel worth. $320 for the season. 

Farm Work Share:

A new option this year will be open for 2-3 families to join our farm work share. You will share in the work of the farm on a weekly basis in exchange for a small share (3 hours) or full share (4 hours). You will also be able to pick a bakery add-on (Tues or Wed only). Days for work are Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday from 8-11am or 8-12am. 



Limited amounts of add-ons available, $80 for the season (1 dozen a week) or $40 (1/2 dozen every week)

Baked Goods:

This year the baked goods will be an add-on. $100 for full share and $75 for the half share for the season. Enjoy a variety of baked goods with your fresh veggie and flower subscription. Flour and sugar are always organic. Most other ingredients are also.


This year pickups will be a bit different as I will not be at the Amherst Farmer’s Market. We will have Tuesday pickups at the farm or Thursday deliveries. I can do home deliveries for an additional delivery fee of $80 for the season (you will need to put out a cooler and vase on your front porch if not home). Must be within a certain vicinity for delivery. If interested in delivery, let me know so I can calculate the distance.

Protein Options:

We also raise pastured poultry and meat rabbits at Rocky Acres. If you are interested in reserving whole chicken or rabbit, let us know. We will have multiple times throughout the summer that we have both available. Reserve for $10 deposit each with the remaining paid at pickup. $5 a pound for both with chicken being between 4-6 pounds and rabbits being in the 2-4 pound range. 

Behind the Adventures at rocky acres farm

Hi, I’m Lindsay

I have a passion for growing plants – flowers and veggies with regenerative practices. We do not spray any chemicals here at Rocky Acres Farm and promise to get you the freshest and best tasting produce we are able. We do this through our summer CSA subscription for veggies and flowers.

I also love to bake and have been creating goodies for our family for a long time. This last year I shared many of those baked goods with our CSA members to a great response. Cookies, rolls, sourdough bread, scones, cinnamon rolls, and more. Most can be found here on the blog.

Lastly, we love our animals at the farm. We raise laying hens for eggs and pastured poultry and rabbits for protein.

Lindsay Rockefeller