Springtime Stovetop Potpourri
Here is a simple way to make your home smell spring-time fresh with a few simple ingredients. Bring in the clean spring scents with citrus, herbs, and cinnamon in this springtime stovetop potpourri.

Around our home we are trying to make the switch to natural ingredients from synthetic or toxic products. If you also want to skip the toxic fragrances you find in the stores, this natural stovetop potpourri is a great alternative to making your home smell spring-time fresh. It is also cheap, especially if you are already growing herbs in your garden.
Last winter the leaders in our MOPs group made us stovetop potpourri bundles to give our homes a warm winter smell. The bundles contained oranges, cranberries, cinnamon sticks and cloves. It was a great way to keep our home smelling good over the holidays.

Yet I hadn’t thought of making a spring time scent before now. But it’s just as easy, and you can customize it to your tastes.
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How to Prepare Springtime Potpourri
Fill a small pot about 3/4 full with fresh water. Add the other ingredients and place on the stove. Turn up the burner high enough to make the water simmer. You can also use a small crockpot if you have one. The lid can be vented or left off altogether.
Below are a few combinations that I have found successful.
Combo One
1-2 lemons
A few sprigs of mint
A handful of thyme
1-2 cinnamon sticks
Combo Two
1-2 limes
A few sprigs of rosemary
1-2 tablespoons of vanilla
If you have other citrus or herbs on hand, you can make up other combos. I know some people use ginger or grapefruit.
Let me know if you come up with a new combo you love.
A Few notes
Be careful to not let the water get low enough that the other ingredients burn. You can refill it for a day or two until the scent is no longer fresh. Make sure to turn off the burner when leaving or at night!
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